Homemade Ice Cream: Summer’s Chilliest Treasure
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
I scream, you scream, don’t we all scream for ice cream? There are a handful of consumables that are synonymous with the toasty days of summer, but it’s safe to say this frozen treat is at the tippy top of the list. A glass of lemonade or freshly brewed iced tea will certainly soothe your palate on a sunshine filled afternoon, and a garden ripe tomato or a just picked peach can hit your seasonal sweet spot, but nothing beats a double decker cone of the cold stuff. Ice cream is one of those foods that can create a block-long line of people outside the smallest of storefronts, patrons desperate but patient as they await samples served on little wooden spoons, freshly made waffle cones and rainbow sprinkles. It is an iconic symbol of summer that brings out the kid in every adult and the smile in every kid. But you need not embark on a journey to enjoy this frosty, fantasy food. You also need not part with the stack of cash these increasingly expensive desserts are going for these days. Homemade ice cream is relatively easy to whip up and requires just a few basic ingredients and some simple tools to make your own ice-cold magic. And if you sense you might have an inner Baskin or Robbins, dreaming up and making a batch of your own could be a recipe for blustery bliss.
Photo by Benjamín Hazael Rojas García on Unsplash
There’s No Place Like Home(made)
Making your own ice cream may be one of the most deliciously creative things you will ever do. If you are craving all 31 flavors at once, you can whip them all together and scoop it to your heart’s content. Creating your own version of this summer institution can be almost as satisfying as devouring an entire pint. That is because it’s almost impossible to mess up and you can get super weird with your flavors. Ever tried wine ice cream? Spicy ice cream? Seaweed? You get the picture. The rule is, there are no rules. Mix it, freeze it, eat it. It’s that simple. So pick a craving, get mixing, and savor every last lick of the season’s most coveted confection.
Homemade Ice Cream Recipe
Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash
What you need:
2 Cups heavy whipping cream
I can (14oz) sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
What you do:
In a small bowl, whisk together condensed milk and vanilla extract. If adding other liquids to ice cream base, add them to this mixture. Amounts will vary depending on how rich you want the flavor. Add slowly so as not to overdo it. Set aside.
Pour whipping cream into bowl of stand mixer or large mixing bowl and mix with handheld mixer. Whip until cream thickens in consistency and has standing peaks.
Add condensed milk mixture to cream and fold in to combine ingredients.
Once combined, fold in any dry ingredients you wish to add.
Scoop mixture into a sealable storage container such as Tupperware and freeze for at least 6 hours.