Unique Gift Ideas for Big Girls
Gifting children is one of the most fun and rewarding joys. Watching their sweet faces light up as they untie ribbon and tear open wrapping paper brings as much happiness to the gift giver as it does the recipient. Girls in particular can be so much fun to bestow treats upon as there is such a wide array of spoils from which to choose. Little girls love their baby dolls, almost anything princess, and certainly anything Disney, and of course their Pockimals. The teenage set love their clothes and accessories, makeup and extra spending money. The celebratory offerings for our beloved girls are somewhat endless on the endcaps of the journey through childhood. But the ‘tween years add a wrinkle to the otherwise smooth sailing from toddler life to adolescence when it comes to proper presents.
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Gift Guidance
A 3-year-old girl morphs into a 10-year-old girl pretty quickly and her tastes change just as rapidly. So when it comes to shopping for that perfect something for that precious pre-teen, you are not alone if you’re feeling overwhelmed. While her little sister might be pining for Blume Dolls and her older sister desperate for a gift card to Brandy Melville, the young lady in the middle can be hard to figure out. In fact, she may not actually know what she wants herself. The key to successful gifting for this age group is finding those items that bridge the gap from little girl to big girl. And if you approach it by thinking in terms of taking baby steps in high heels, you just might land on both feet.
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Toys for Big Girls
Social: Girls ages 8-12 love being with their friends. They start to independently formulate friendships based on shared interests and personality types. Having activities and toys that facilitate these social interactions is incredibly important. Everything from boardgames and puzzles to baking cookies and jewelry making crafts are wonderful outlets that support these fun, more mature connections with their peers.
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2. Self-caring: Not quite ready for a full-on makeover, bigger girls do start to develop a curiosity for cosmetics and other beauty products in their pre-teen years. It’s a great time to begin introducing self-care routines that will set the foundation for healthy habits in the future. Fun face masks, emollient lotions and lip balms, sunscreen, and nail kits are great entry level gift options for young ladies as they explore different beauty regimens they will continue to implement in adulthood.
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3. Studious: As much as the outward changes in bigger girls start to become clear, the mental growth is happening just as fast. The ‘tween years are a very curious, exploratory time for these young minds as they begin to ask more questions and crave new information. A toddler’s imaginative play in a toy kitchen can yield a capable, skilled cook at this age. Gifting items like books and specialized lessons can satisfy the hungriest of rumbles from these inquisitive minds.
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4. Sporty: Girls at this stage are full of energy. No longer needing naps but not yet immersed in the sleep-til-noon teenage phase, gifting these girls the opportunity to engage in physical activities is paramount to the development of a well-rounded, happy and healthy young lady. A yoga mat, a hockey stick, a skateboard... the choices are as endless as the rewards.
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5. Sassy: If there’s one thing that comes with coming of age, it’s a big scoop of sauciness. This age group is beginning to push boundaries and trying to find their individuality. Instead of trying to hit mute, gift them a way to channel their voice. It could be anything from a karaoke machine to a bold outfit to temporary hair color. Help them let their sparkle shine through.