How to Wash Stuffed Animals
Photo by Anete Lusina on Pexels
Stuffed animals… the recipients of tight cuddles, fresh tears, sticky hands, and runny noses. These stuffed toys are a child’s best friend, pals that get dragged around town, on airplanes, and to a myriad of other exciting and often germ-infested destinations. These reliable sidekicks endure spills, splats, and smushes without complaint. But what they don’t receive much of during the course of their exhilarating journeys, is soap. The ever-loving owners of these soft toys undergo regular washing rituals, but the cleanliness of their closest companions is consistently overlooked. Crust, goop, and discoloration all get greenlit as an acceptable state of being for a child’s lovey. In fact, most parents silently agree that it takes a pretty serious catastrophe (think bed barf) to get Mr. Snickers into the laundry pile. But why? And how can we confidently shift the mindset on cleaning these plush toys.
Be Brave and Give Bunny a Bath
The parental collective that ignores the fresh factor of stuffed animals exists for a handful of reasons. All moms and dads are guilty of neglect muddled with complacency and fear when it comes to the cleanliness of their child’s most cherished toy. Afterall, when little Timmy is catapulting down the fast lane of the Meltdown Highway, Little Bunny Foo Foo had best be an arm’s reach away and not waterlogged halfway through the rinse cycle. The threat of a negative consequence overwhelms any potentially beneficial outcome in some folks’ minds when it comes to sanitizing Snoopy and the thought of pulling a mangled, unraveled teddy bear out of the washing machine is enough to give any weary parent night terrors. But there are several methods available for maintaining the most sensitive of stuffed friends that will keep them clean and at the ready for the next snuggle session.
Photo by Andrea Tummons on Unsplash
Safe Stuffed Animal Washing Practices
If you’re lucky enough to have a label with washing instructions sewn into the seams of your child’s beloved fuzzy friends, it’s best to follow the recommendations provided by the manufacturer. But if you have to wing it when it comes to lathering up Tweety Bird, the following methods may serve you well.
Photo by Anete Lusina on Pexels
Hand Wash: Reserved for the most delicate of creatures, this approach ensures the safest outcome. Dilute a mild laundry detergent or shampoo with warm water (2 Tablespoons soap with 4 Cups water). Mix and plunge the animal into the water. Use a plain white washcloth to gently rub soap into the stuffed animal paying extra attention to soil spots. Rinse the stuffed animal in lukewarm water, and then squeeze (don’t ring) out excess moisture. Lay flat to dry. You may also use a hair dryer or take advantage of the sun for a little expediting.
Machine Wash: This is an easy solution for the more durable stuffed animals. Still, cautious measures are encouraged. Place the stuffed animal in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase to keep it protected from the elements. Use regular detergent and wash with clothes or by itself on a delicate cycle. Dry on low heat mode and fluff or lay flat to dry.
Spot Clean: If a lovey needs immediate attention due to a syrup incident, prepare a half-sized batch of the hand washing solution and apply to the affected area. Scrub with a plain white washcloth or a clean toothbrush for a more intense stain. The sooner the stain is treated, the better the outcome. Rinse treated area and lay flat to dry.