Holiday Kids’ Table Games
Photo by Anthony Shkraba on Pexels
As we prepare to take a deep dive into the thickest part of the holiday season, the time is now to manifest your most organized self. This is especially true if you intend to share the holidays with children. Whether you are the host or guest, if you’ve got kids attending your perfectly Martha Stewart soirée, you’d better have some kid-friendly entertainment mapped out to keep the school set busy. This is especially true when it comes to sitting down for a holiday feast. Short of being blessed with having that favorite uncle in the family who can somehow manage to corral even the smallest holiday party attendees, you will need some tricks up your sleeve to keep the peace during dinner. Kids of all ages need distractions at some point. Oh sure, tech gadgets are always at the ready and you can glue every set of eyes to a screen for a good chunk of the gathering, but all kids reach their limit and when the intoxicating waves of boredom and curiosity come together, a cocktail of mischief could easily ruin the fun for everyone.
From Cards to Coloring, Entertainment for All Ages
Image by Alexander Dummer on Pexels
When the dinner bell finally rings and everyone makes their way to be seated at the table, it’s imperative that you have your kid distractions ready to go. The focus should of course be on devouring the beautifully plated meal that was likely labored over for hours if not days, but when that 6 minutes is up at the kids’ table, you’ll need to break out your foolproof methods that will ensure all bottoms remain in chairs. The threat of losing dessert is only good for so long and kids can smell that lie over any sweet scents wafting from the pies in the kitchen. So having your gameplan of games at the ready is of the upmost importance. Heck, the kids will end up having so much fun, you might even be able to get the grownups in on the action.
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Deck of cards: The kids can play everything from War to Go Fish. Games are endless and everyone can be dealt in when you have a deck of cards at the table. Bonus points, when the kids tire of playing actual card games, they can build a card castle as a centerpiece. It’s the easiest and simplest way to buy hours of entertainment. Plus you’re never too young to learn how to play Texas Hold ‘Em.
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2. Crayons: If you are really going for it, you could order some coloring books, but a sheet of paper on top of the tablecloth will do just fine. Think of your favorite restaurants that always have the little packs of packaged crayons and the kids’ menus with various activities. Be that restaurant. From tic-tac-toe to connect the dots and hangman, any form of drawing or writing can provide endless fun.
3. Board games: Depending on the age range, there are a variety of games that will appeal and eat up minutes on the clock. But simple games like Connect 4 and Candyland can be played by anyone. Pairing big kids with little kids can also help if the game is just a pinch sophisticated for the smallest attendees.
Image by Eren Li on Pexels
4. Word of mouth: The least expensive and most easily played games are the ones that keep mouths (and hands) the busiest when all the eating is done. Telephone, the alphabet game, and rock, paper, scissors have stood the test of time when it comes to easy entertainment.
Lily, hugging her Pockimals
5. Pockimals: There probably isn’t a better dinner guest on your list. If your kiddo needs to bring a friend in order to feel comfortable sitting so far from a parent, make sure they have their best friend accompany them.